move logic to mailboxes
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,19 +3,30 @@ module PublishHelperBot.Environment
open System
open System.IO
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Serilog
module Logging =
let logger =
let config = LoggerConfiguration()
type public BotConfig = {
token: string
relayUrl: string
chanelId: int64
adminChatId: int64
YoutubeDlUrl: string
token: string
relayUrl: string
chanelId: int64
adminChatId: int64
YoutubeDlUrl: string
let private ReadConfig =
File.ReadAllText >> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BotConfig>
let private readConfig =
File.ReadAllText >> JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<BotConfig>
let public CreateConfig (name: string) =
match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name) with
| null -> raise <| ApplicationException("Missing config path env")
| path -> ReadConfig <| path
let public createConfig (name: string) =
match Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable(name) with
| null ->
Logging.logger.Error("Missing env")
ApplicationException("Missing config path env") |> raise
| path ->
Logging.logger.Information("Read config from env")
readConfig path
@ -9,22 +9,35 @@ open Telegram.Bot.Types
open Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums
type BaseHandlerArgs = Update * BotConfig
type HandlerArgs = Update * BotConfig * ITelegramBotClient
type HandlerRequirements = BaseHandlerArgs -> bool
type Handler = HandlerArgs -> Task
type Handler<'deps> = 'deps * HandlerArgs -> Task
// Utils
let UpdateIsAMessage (x: Update) = x.Type = UpdateType.Message
let FromAdminChat (x: Message, c: BotConfig) = x.Chat.Id = c.adminChatId
let HasReply (x: Message) = not(isNull x.ReplyToMessage)
let HasReply (x: Message) = not(isNull x.ReplyToMessage)
let ExtractPhotoFromMessage (x: Message) = (fun (p: PhotoSize) -> p.FileId) x.Photo
let HasText (x: Message) = not(isNull x.Text)
let UrlsAsAlbumInputMedia (urls: string[]): IAlbumInputMedia[] =
|||| (fun (x: string) -> InputMediaPhoto(x)) urls
// Post (Relay) command
type RelayCaptionMode = WithAuthor | Anonymous | Unknown
type RelayCaptionMode =
| WithAuthor
| Anonymous
| Unknown
let RelaySupportedContent (x: Message) =
match x.Type with
| MessageType.Text -> true
@ -53,15 +66,15 @@ let public RelayMatch: HandlerRequirements = fun (u, c) ->
RelaySupportedContent u.Message.ReplyToMessage &&
not (RelayCaptionType u.Message.Text = RelayCaptionMode.Unknown)
let public RelayHandler: Handler = fun (u, c, tg) ->
let reply = u.Message.ReplyToMessage
let channelId = c.chanelId
let public RelayHandler: Handler = fun (update, config, tg) ->
let reply = update.Message.ReplyToMessage
let channelId = config.chanelId
let author = $"{reply.From.FirstName} {reply.From.LastName}"
let captionMode = RelayCaptionType u.Message.Text
let captionMode = RelayCaptionType update.Message.Text
let photoMedia = lazy Array.get (ExtractPhotoFromMessage reply) 0
let caption = lazy RelayResolveCaption(captionMode, author, c.relayUrl)
let caption = lazy RelayResolveCaption(captionMode, author, config.relayUrl)
match reply.Type with
| MessageType.Text -> tg.ForwardMessageAsync(channelId, reply.Chat.Id, reply.MessageId)
| MessageType.Photo -> tg.SendPhotoAsync(channelId, photoMedia.Value, caption = caption.Value,
@ -81,11 +94,9 @@ let public YoutubeRepostMatch: HandlerRequirements = fun (u, c) ->
u.Message.Text.StartsWith YoutubeRepostMatchCmd &&
u.Message.Text.Split(' ').Length = 2
let public YoutubeRepostHandler: Handler<YoutubeDlBackgroundService> = fun (yt, (u, c, tg)) ->
let public YoutubeRepostHandler: Handler<IYoutubeDlService> = fun (yt, (u, c, tg)) ->
task {
let trim (x: string) = x.Trim()
let! id = YoutubeRepostMatchCmd |> u.Message.Text.Split |> Array.last |> trim |> yt.EnqueueJob
let! id = YoutubeRepostMatchCmd |> u.Message.Text.Split |> Array.last |> trim |> yt.AddJob
do! tg.SendTextMessageAsync(c.adminChatId, id.ToString()) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Ignore
@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
// For more information see
open System
open System
open System.Net.Http
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
@ -12,31 +10,57 @@ open Telegram.Bot.Polling
open Telegram.Bot.Types
open Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums
let CreateBot (config: BotConfig, http: HttpClient) = TelegramBotClient(config.token, http)
let config = CreateConfig <| "SBPB_CONFIG_PATH";
let botClient = CreateBot <| (config, new HttpClient())
let YtService = YoutubeDlBackgroundService <|
(new HttpClient(), config.YoutubeDlUrl, botClient, config.chanelId, CancellationToken.None)
let createBot (config: BotConfig, http: HttpClient) = TelegramBotClient(config.token, http)
let config = createConfig "SBPB_CONFIG_PATH"
let botClient = createBot (config, new HttpClient())
let youtubeDlService =
let youtubeDlClient =
YoutubeDlClient.createClient {
Client = new HttpClient()
BaseUrl = config.YoutubeDlUrl
let tgService =
TgService.createService config.chanelId youtubeDlClient botClient
YoutubeDlService.createService youtubeDlClient tgService
let startDate = DateTime.UtcNow
let isObsoleteUpdate (u: Update) = u.Type = UpdateType.Message && u.Message.Date < startDate;
let updateHandle (bc: ITelegramBotClient) (u: Update) (ct: CancellationToken): Task =
let tgCtx = (u, config, bc)
match u with
| _ when isObsoleteUpdate u -> Task.CompletedTask
| _ when RelayMatch <| (u, config) -> RelayHandler <| tgCtx
| _ when YoutubeRepostMatch <| (u, config) -> YoutubeRepostHandler <| (YtService, tgCtx)
| _ -> Task.CompletedTask
let (|ObsoleteUpdate|RelayMatchUpdate|YoutubeRepostMatchUpdate|SkipUpdate|) (update: Update) =
let isObsoleteUpdate (update: Update) =
update.Type = UpdateType.Message && update.Message.Date < startDate
match update with
| _ when isObsoleteUpdate update -> ObsoleteUpdate
| _ when RelayMatch (update, config) -> RelayMatchUpdate
| _ when YoutubeRepostMatch (update, config) -> YoutubeRepostMatchUpdate
| _ -> SkipUpdate
let handlePollingError (bc: ITelegramBotClient) (e: Exception) (t: CancellationToken) =
printfn $"{e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}"
let receiverOptions = ReceiverOptions(AllowedUpdates = Array.zeroCreate<UpdateType> 0)
let updateHandle (bc: ITelegramBotClient) (update: Update) (ct: CancellationToken): Task =
let tgCtx = (update, config, bc)
match update with
| RelayMatchUpdate ->
RelayHandler tgCtx
| YoutubeRepostMatchUpdate ->
YoutubeRepostHandler <| (youtubeDlService, tgCtx)
| ObsoleteUpdate ->
Logging.logger.Information("Skipping obsolete update")
| SkipUpdate ->
Logging.logger.Information("Skipping update")
let handlePollingError (_: ITelegramBotClient) (e: Exception) (_: CancellationToken) =
Logging.logger.Error(e, "Polling error")
printf "Я родился"
let receiverOptions = ReceiverOptions(AllowedUpdates = Array.zeroCreate<UpdateType> 0)
Logging.logger.Information("Starting bot")
botClient.StartReceiving(updateHandle, handlePollingError, receiverOptions)
Logging.logger.Information("Я родился")
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore
@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
<PackageReference Include="Serilog.Sinks.Console" Version="4.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Telegram.Bot" Version="18.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Nito.AsyncEx" Version="5.1.2" />
@ -5,173 +5,388 @@ open System.Collections.Generic
open System.IO
open System.Net.Http
open System.Text
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open Microsoft.FSharp.Core
open Newtonsoft.Json
open Nito.AsyncEx
open PublishHelperBot.Environment
open Telegram.Bot
open Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles
type public CreateYoutubeDLUrl = string
type public ChatId = int64
type public CreateYoutubeDLJob = {
url: string
savePath: string
type public CreateYoutubeDLJobSuccess = {
task: Guid
type ChatId = int64
type CreateYoutubeDlJob = {
url: string
savePath: string
type public YoutubeDlStateResponse = {
state: string
type CreateYoutubeDlJobSuccess = {
task: Guid
type public YoutubeDlError = {
message: string
type public YoutubeDlJob<'A> = {
internalId: Guid
externalId: 'A
url: string
state: string
savePath: string
type YoutubeDlStateResponse = {
state: string
type YoutubeDlClientActions = Create | Check | Delete
type HttpMethods = GET | POST | DELETE
type CreateJobResult = Result<CreateYoutubeDLJobSuccess, YoutubeDlError> Async
type CheckJobResult = Result<YoutubeDlStateResponse, YoutubeDlError> Async
type CleanJobResult = Result<YoutubeDlStateResponse, YoutubeDlError> Async
type StartYoutubeDlServiceArgs = HttpClient * CreateYoutubeDLUrl * ITelegramBotClient * ChatId * CancellationToken
type YoutubeDlJobWithId = YoutubeDlJob<Guid>
type YoutubeDlJobWithoutId = YoutubeDlJob<unit>
type YoutubeDlCurrentJob =
| Created of YoutubeDlJobWithoutId
| Awaiting of YoutubeDlJobWithId
| Downloaded of YoutubeDlJobWithId
| Done of YoutubeDlJobWithId
| None of unit
let inline (<!>) (lck: AsyncLock) f = async {
use! __ = Async.AwaitTask <| lck.LockAsync().AsTask()
return! f
type YoutubeDlError = {
message: string
type YoutubeDlClient(baseUrl: string, client: HttpClient) =
let lock = AsyncLock()
let apiPrefix = $"{baseUrl}api/";
let ResolvePath(action: YoutubeDlClientActions) =
match action with
| Create -> $"{apiPrefix}download"
| Check -> $"{apiPrefix}status"
| Delete -> $"{apiPrefix}clear"
let doHttp (url: string, method: HttpMethods, content: HttpContent): Result<'TRes, YoutubeDlError> Async = async {
let! res =
match method with
| POST -> client.PostAsync(url, content) |> Async.AwaitTask
| GET -> client.GetAsync(url) |> Async.AwaitTask
| DELETE -> client.DeleteAsync(url) |> Async.AwaitTask
let! content = res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
match res.IsSuccessStatusCode with
| true -> Ok (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'TRes> <| content)
| false -> Error { message = "Unknown network error" }
| ex -> return Error { message = ex.Message }
member this.CreateJob(model: CreateYoutubeDLJob): CreateJobResult = lock <!> async {
use content = new StringContent(JsonConvert.SerializeObject <| model, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
return! doHttp <| (ResolvePath Create, POST, content)
member this.CheckJob(id: Guid): CheckJobResult = lock <!> async {
let arg = [KeyValuePair("id", id.ToString())]
use content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(arg)
let! query = content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
return! doHttp <| ($"{ResolvePath Check}?{query}", GET, content)
member this.CleanJob(id: Guid): CleanJobResult = lock <!> async {
let arg = [KeyValuePair("id", id.ToString())]
use content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(arg)
let! query = content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
return! doHttp <| ($"{ResolvePath Delete}?{query}", DELETE, content)
type YoutubeDlClientConfig = {
BaseUrl: string
Client: HttpClient
type YoutubeDlBackgroundService(requirements: StartYoutubeDlServiceArgs) =
let (http, url, tg, chatId, ct) = requirements
let lock = AsyncLock()
let mutable currentJob: YoutubeDlCurrentJob = None ()
let jobPool = Queue<YoutubeDlJobWithoutId>()
let ytClient = YoutubeDlClient <| (url, http)
let mapJobToApi (job: YoutubeDlJob<_>): CreateYoutubeDLJob = {
url = job.url
savePath = job.savePath
let attachExternalId (id: Guid, job: YoutubeDlJobWithoutId): YoutubeDlCurrentJob =
Awaiting { internalId = job.internalId; state = job.state; url = job.url; externalId = id; savePath = job.savePath }
let tryAssignNewJob() = async {
let (result, job) = jobPool.TryDequeue()
match result with
| true -> currentJob <- Created job
| false -> currentJob <- None ()
let uploadToYtDl(job: YoutubeDlJobWithoutId) = async {
match! ytClient.CreateJob <| mapJobToApi job with
| Ok x -> currentJob <- attachExternalId <| (x.task, job)
// TODO: Logging!
| Error _ -> currentJob <- None ()
type CreateJobResult = Result<CreateYoutubeDlJobSuccess, YoutubeDlError>
let checkJob(job: YoutubeDlJobWithId) = async {
match! ytClient.CheckJob <| job.externalId with
| Ok x when x.state.Equals("Finished", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) -> currentJob <- Downloaded job
| Error _ -> currentJob <- None ()
| _ -> ()
// That's take a while
do! Async.Sleep 5000
let postVideo(job: YoutubeDlJobWithId) = async {
use file = File.OpenRead <| job.savePath
let input = InputOnlineFile(file, job.savePath)
let caption = $"Source: {job.url}"
do! tg.SendVideoAsync(chatId, input, caption = caption) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Ignore
currentJob <- Done job
let cleanUp(job: YoutubeDlJobWithId) = async {
File.Delete <| job.savePath
match! ytClient.CleanJob <| job.externalId with
| Ok _ -> currentJob <- None ()
| Error _ -> currentJob <- None ()
let chooseAction() = lock <!> async {
do! match currentJob with
| None _ -> tryAssignNewJob()
| Created x -> x |> uploadToYtDl
| Awaiting x -> x |> checkJob
| Downloaded x -> x |> postVideo
| Done x -> x |> cleanUp
type CheckJobResult = Result<YoutubeDlStateResponse, YoutubeDlError>
let rec loop () = async {
do! match ct.IsCancellationRequested with
| false -> chooseAction()
| true -> async { () }
do! Async.Sleep 150
return! loop()
member public this.StartYoutubeDlService() = loop() |> Async.Start
member public this.EnqueueJob(url: string) = lock <!> async {
let id = Guid.NewGuid()
jobPool.Enqueue({ internalId = id; externalId = (); state = "new"; url = url; savePath = $"{Path.GetTempFileName()}.mp4" })
return id
type CleanJobResult = Result<YoutubeDlStateResponse, YoutubeDlError>
type IYoutubeDlClient =
abstract member CreateJob: CreateYoutubeDlJob -> Async<CreateJobResult>
abstract member CheckJob: externalId: Guid -> Async<CheckJobResult>
abstract member CleanJob: externalId: Guid -> Async<CleanJobResult>
module YoutubeDlClient =
type private YoutubeDlClientActions = Create | Check | Delete
type private HttpMethods = GET | POST | DELETE
type private Msg =
| CreateJob of CreateYoutubeDlJob * tcs: TaskCompletionSource<CreateJobResult>
| CheckJob of externalId: Guid * tcs: TaskCompletionSource<CheckJobResult>
| CleanJob of externalId: Guid * tcs: TaskCompletionSource<CleanJobResult>
let private getApiPrefix baseUrl = $"{baseUrl}api/"
let private resolvePath baseUrl (action: YoutubeDlClientActions) =
let apiPrefix = getApiPrefix baseUrl
match action with
| Create -> $"{apiPrefix}download"
| Check -> $"{apiPrefix}status"
| Delete -> $"{apiPrefix}clear"
let private doHttp
(method: HttpMethods)
(content: HttpContent)
(client: HttpClient)
(url: string): Async<Result<'TRes, YoutubeDlError>> =
task {
let! contentText = content.ReadAsStringAsync()
Logging.logger.Information("Sending request to youtube api, url = {Url}, content = {Content}", url, contentText)
let! res =
match method with
| POST -> client.PostAsync(url, content)
| GET -> client.GetAsync(url)
| DELETE -> client.DeleteAsync(url)
let! content = res.Content.ReadAsStringAsync()
Logging.logger.Information("Response from youtube api, response = {Response}", content)
match res.IsSuccessStatusCode with
| true ->
Logging.logger.Information("Response OK")
Ok (JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<'TRes>(content))
| false ->
Logging.logger.Error("Response network error")
Error { message = "Unknown network error" }
with ex ->
Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Youtube api error")
return Error { message = ex.Message }
} |> Async.AwaitTask
let private createInbox(config: YoutubeDlClientConfig) = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop() =
async {
match! inbox.Receive() with
| CreateJob(args, tcs) ->
Logging.logger.Information("Received youtube api create job")
async {
let json = args |> JsonConvert.SerializeObject
Logging.logger.Information("Sending create job = {Job}", json)
use content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json")
let! result =
(config.Client, resolvePath config.BaseUrl Create)
||> doHttp POST content
Logging.logger.Information("Received response from youtube api for create job")
with ex ->
Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Failed to create youtube api job")
tcs.SetResult(Error {
message = ex.Message
} |> Async.Start
return! loop ()
| CheckJob (externalId, tcs) ->
Logging.logger.Information("Received youtube api check job, externalId = {id}", externalId)
async {
let arg = [KeyValuePair("id", externalId.ToString())]
use content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(arg)
Logging.logger.Information("Sending youtube api check job")
let! query = content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
let! result =
(config.Client, $"{resolvePath config.BaseUrl Check}?{query}")
||> doHttp GET content
Logging.logger.Information("Received response from youtube api for check job")
with ex ->
Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Failed to check youtube api job")
tcs.SetResult(Error {
message = ex.Message
} |> Async.Start
return! loop ()
| CleanJob(externalId, tcs) ->
Logging.logger.Information("Received youtube api clean job, externalId = {id}", externalId)
async {
let arg = [KeyValuePair("id", externalId.ToString())]
use content = new FormUrlEncodedContent(arg)
Logging.logger.Information("Sending youtube api clean job")
let! query = content.ReadAsStringAsync() |> Async.AwaitTask
let! result =
(config.Client, $"{resolvePath config.BaseUrl Delete}?{query}")
||> doHttp DELETE content
Logging.logger.Information("Received response from youtube api for clean job")
with ex ->
Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Failed to clean youtube api job")
tcs.SetResult(Error {
message = ex.Message
} |> Async.Start
return! loop ()
loop ()
let createClient (config: YoutubeDlClientConfig) =
let inbox = createInbox(config)
{ new IYoutubeDlClient with
member this.CreateJob(args) =
let tcs = TaskCompletionSource<_>()
inbox.Post(CreateJob(args, tcs))
tcs.Task |> Async.AwaitTask
member this.CheckJob externalId =
let tcs = TaskCompletionSource<_>()
inbox.Post(CheckJob(externalId, tcs))
tcs.Task |> Async.AwaitTask
member this.CleanJob externalId =
let tcs = TaskCompletionSource<_>()
inbox.Post(CleanJob(externalId, tcs))
tcs.Task |> Async.AwaitTask }
type ITgService =
abstract member PostVideo: url: string * savePath: string * externalId: Guid -> unit
module TgService =
type private Msg =
| PostVideo of url: string * savePath: string * externalId: Guid
let private createInbox (channelId: ChatId) (youtubeDlClient: IYoutubeDlClient) (tg: ITelegramBotClient) =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let rec loop () =
async {
match! inbox.Receive() with
| PostVideo (url, savePath, externalId) ->
Logging.logger.Information("Reading file path = {path}", savePath)
use file = File.OpenRead(savePath)
let input = InputOnlineFile(file, savePath)
let caption = $"Source: {url}"
"Sending video to channel, channelId = {channelId}, caption = {caption}",
do! tg.SendVideoAsync(channelId, input, caption = caption) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Ignore
with ex ->
Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Failed to send video")
Logging.logger.Information("Deleting file path = {path}", savePath)
match! youtubeDlClient.CleanJob(externalId) with
| Ok _ -> ()
| Error _ -> ()
return! loop ()
loop ()
let createService chatId youtubeDlClient tg =
let inbox = createInbox chatId youtubeDlClient tg
{ new ITgService with
member this.PostVideo(url, savePath, externalId) =
inbox.Post(PostVideo(url, savePath, externalId)) }
type IYoutubeDlService =
abstract member AddJob: url: string -> Async<Guid>
module YoutubeDlService =
type private Msg =
| AddJob of url: string * TaskCompletionSource<Guid>
| CheckJob
type private JobState =
| Created
| Awaiting of Guid
type private YoutubeDlJob = {
InternalId: Guid
State: JobState
Url: string
SavePath: string
let private createJob (client: IYoutubeDlClient) (job: YoutubeDlJob) =
async {
Logging.logger.Information("Sending create job to youtube client, job = {job}", job.InternalId)
let! result =
client.CreateJob {
url = job.Url
savePath = job.SavePath
match result with
| Ok task ->
"Created job on youtube client = {job}, externalId = {externalId}",
let updated = {
job with
State = JobState.Awaiting task.task
return Some updated
| Error e ->
"Failed to create job on client = {job}, message = {message}",
return None
let private getCurrentJob
(jobQueue: Queue<YoutubeDlJob>)
(current: YoutubeDlJob option) =
match current with
| Some current ->
Some current
| None ->
match jobQueue.TryDequeue() with
| true, job ->
Some job
| _ ->
let private createServiceInbox
(youtubeDlClient: IYoutubeDlClient)
(tgService: ITgService) =
MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox ->
let postCheck() =
async {
do! Async.Sleep(TimeSpan.FromSeconds 5)
} |> Async.Start
let rec loop
(jobQueue: Queue<YoutubeDlJob>)
(current: YoutubeDlJob option) =
async {
match! inbox.Receive() with
| AddJob (url, tcs) ->
Logging.logger.Information("Adding new url = {url}", url)
let id = Guid.NewGuid()
let job = {
InternalId = id
State = Created
Url = url
SavePath = $"{Path.GetTempFileName()}.mp4"
if current.IsNone then
"Added new job = {job}, url = {url}, path = {path}",
return! loop jobQueue current
| CheckJob ->
let currentJob = getCurrentJob jobQueue current
match currentJob with
| Some job ->
Logging.logger.Information("Checking job = {job}, state = {state}", job.InternalId, job.State)
match job.State with
| Created ->
match! createJob youtubeDlClient job with
| Some job ->
return! loop jobQueue (Some job)
| None ->
return! loop jobQueue None
| Awaiting externalId ->
Logging.logger.Information("Checking job = {job}", externalId)
let! task = youtubeDlClient.CheckJob(externalId)
match task with
| Ok x when x.state.Equals("Finished", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ->
Logging.logger.Information("Sending post video from job = {job}", externalId)
tgService.PostVideo(job.Url, job.SavePath, externalId)
return! loop jobQueue None
| Error e ->
"Failed to receive video from youtube client, job = {job}, message = {message}",
return! loop jobQueue None
| _ ->
"Waiting for job to complete, job = {job}",
return! loop jobQueue current
| None ->
return! loop jobQueue None
loop (Queue()) None
let createService youtubeDlClient tgService =
let inbox = createServiceInbox youtubeDlClient tgService
{ new IYoutubeDlService with
member this.AddJob(url) =
let tcs = TaskCompletionSource<_>()
inbox.Post(AddJob(url, tcs))
tcs.Task |> Async.AwaitTask}
@ -21,7 +21,8 @@ def report_state(id: str):
def load_video(url: str, file_path: str, id: str):
opts = {
"format": 'mp4',
"recode-video": "mp4",
"format": 'best[filesize<50M]',
"quiet": True,
"outtmpl": file_path,
"progress_hooks": [report_state(id)]
Reference in New Issue
Block a user