module PublishHelperBot.Telegram open System open System.IO open Microsoft.FSharp.Control open PublishHelperBot.Environment open PublishHelperBot.Types open Telegram.Bot open Telegram.Bot.Types open Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums open Telegram.Bot.Types.InputFiles [] module BotUpdateType = let private getRelayCaptionType (command: string) = match command with | _ when command.StartsWith "\\post anon" -> Anonymous | _ when command.StartsWith "\\post" -> WithAuthor | _ -> Unknown let private updateIsAMessage (update: Update) = update.Type = UpdateType.Message let private fromAdminChat (message: Message, adminChatId: ConfigChatId) = message.Chat.Id = adminChatId let private hasReply (x: Message) = not (isNull x.ReplyToMessage) let private hasText (x: Message) = not (isNull x.Text) let private hasRelaySupportedContent (x: Message) = match x.Type with | MessageType.Text -> true | MessageType.Photo -> true | MessageType.Video -> true | _ -> false let [] private YoutubeRepostMatchCmd = "\\ytdl" let private isYoutubeRepost (update: Update, adminChatId: ConfigChatId) = updateIsAMessage update && fromAdminChat (update.Message, adminChatId) && hasText update.Message && update.Message.Text.StartsWith YoutubeRepostMatchCmd && update.Message.Text.Split(' ').Length = 2 let private isRelay (update: Update, adminChatId: ConfigChatId) = updateIsAMessage update && fromAdminChat (update.Message, adminChatId) && hasReply update.Message && hasRelaySupportedContent update.Message.ReplyToMessage && not (getRelayCaptionType update.Message.Text = RelayCaptionMode.Unknown) let private isPing (update: Update, adminChatId: ConfigChatId) = updateIsAMessage update && fromAdminChat (update.Message, adminChatId) && hasText update.Message && update.Message.Text.StartsWith("\ping") let getUpdateType (update: Update) (config: BotConfig) = match update with | _ when isPing (update, config.adminChatId) -> BotUpdateType.Ping | _ when isYoutubeRepost(update, config.adminChatId) -> let url = update.Message.Text.Split(' ').[1] BotUpdateType.YoutubeRepost url | _ when isRelay(update, config.adminChatId) -> let reply = update.Message.ReplyToMessage let getCaption() = let captionMode = getRelayCaptionType update.Message.Text let author = $"{reply.From.FirstName} {reply.From.LastName}" match captionMode with | WithAuthor -> $"Прислал {author}" | _ -> null match reply.Type with | MessageType.Text -> let args = { ReplyChatId = reply.Chat.Id ReplyMessageId = reply.MessageId Relay = RelayType.Text } BotUpdateType.RelayUpdate args | MessageType.Photo -> let caption = getCaption() let media = reply.Photo |> (fun (p: PhotoSize) -> p.FileId) |> Array.tryHead match media with | Some media -> let args = { ReplyChatId = reply.Chat.Id ReplyMessageId = reply.MessageId Relay = RelayType.Photo (media, caption) } BotUpdateType.RelayUpdate args | None -> BotUpdateType.Skip | MessageType.Video -> let caption = getCaption() let args = { ReplyChatId = reply.Chat.Id ReplyMessageId = reply.MessageId Relay = RelayType.Video (reply.Video.FileId, caption) } BotUpdateType.RelayUpdate args | _ -> BotUpdateType.Skip | _ -> BotUpdateType.Skip [] module TgService = type private Msg = | Ping | PostVideo of url: string * savePath: string * externalId: Guid | PostRelay of RelayArgs | PostMessageToAdminChat of text: string let private createInbox (config: TgServiceConfig) = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop () = async { match! inbox.Receive() with | Ping -> Logging.logger.Information("Sending ГЫЧА)))0") let sticker = InputOnlineFile( value = "CAACAgIAAx0CQj8KlAACBPBj-ylrAcDqnwvpgEssCuN0aTilywACoxYAAvy_sEqzXsNGSWYfpS4E" ) do! config.Client.SendStickerAsync( config.AdminChatId, sticker ) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch |> Async.Ignore return! loop () | PostRelay args -> Logging.logger.Information("Posting relay, relay = {relay}", args) match args.Relay with | RelayType.Text -> do! config.Client.ForwardMessageAsync( config.ChannelId, args.ReplyChatId, args.ReplyMessageId ) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch |> Async.Ignore | RelayType.Photo(media, caption) -> do! config.Client.SendPhotoAsync( config.ChannelId, media, caption, parseMode = ParseMode.Html ) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch |> Async.Ignore | RelayType.Video(media, caption) -> do! config.Client.SendVideoAsync( config.ChannelId, media, caption = caption, parseMode = ParseMode.Html ) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch |> Async.Ignore return! loop () | PostMessageToAdminChat text -> do! config.Client.SendTextMessageAsync( config.AdminChatId, text ) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch |> Async.Ignore return! loop () | PostVideo (url, savePath, externalId) -> try Logging.logger.Information("Reading file path = {path}", savePath) use file = File.OpenRead(savePath) if (file.Length / 1024L / 1024L) < 50L then let input = InputOnlineFile(file, Path.GetRandomFileName()) let caption = $"Source: {url}" Logging.logger.Information( "Sending video to channel, channelId = {channelId}, caption = {caption}", config.ChannelId, caption) do! config.Client.SendVideoAsync( config.ChannelId, input, caption = caption ) |> Async.AwaitTask |> Async.Catch |> Async.Ignore else inbox.Post(PostMessageToAdminChat($"Да блять, видео вышло больше 50мб: {externalId}")) finally Logging.logger.Information("Deleting file path = {path}", savePath) File.Delete(savePath) match! config.YoutubeDlClient.CleanJob(externalId) with | Ok _ -> () | Error _ -> () return! loop () } loop () ) let createService config = let inbox = createInbox config { new ITgService with member this.PostRelay(args) = inbox.Post(PostRelay(args)) member this.Ping() = inbox.Post(Ping) member this.PostMessageToAdminChat(text) = inbox.Post(PostMessageToAdminChat(text)) member this.PostVideo(url, savePath, externalId) = inbox.Post(PostVideo(url, savePath, externalId)) } [] module TgUpdateHandler = type private Msg = | NewUpdate of Update let private createInbox (config: BotConfig) (service: ITgService) (ytService: IYoutubeDlService) = MailboxProcessor.Start(fun inbox -> let rec loop() = async { match! inbox.Receive() with | NewUpdate update -> try match BotUpdateType.getUpdateType update config with | BotUpdateType.Skip -> Logging.logger.Information("Skipping update") | BotUpdateType.Ping -> Logging.logger.Information("Received ping") service.Ping() | BotUpdateType.YoutubeRepost url -> Logging.logger.Information("Received youtube repost update") async { let! id = ytService.AddJob(url) service.PostMessageToAdminChat(id.ToString()) } |> Async.Start | BotUpdateType.RelayUpdate relayArgs -> Logging.logger.Information("Relay update") service.PostRelay(relayArgs) with ex -> Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Блядь") try service.PostMessageToAdminChat "паша сука" with ex -> Logging.logger.Error(ex, "Да блядь") return! loop () } loop() ) let createHandler config service ytService = let inbox = createInbox config service ytService { new ITgUpdateHandler with member this.PostUpdate update = inbox.Post(NewUpdate(update)) }