2023-02-24 21:04:13 +00:00

71 lines
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open System
open System.Net.Http
open System.Threading
open System.Threading.Tasks
open PublishHelperBot.Handlers
open PublishHelperBot.Environment
open PublishHelperBot.YoutubeDl
open Telegram.Bot
open Telegram.Bot.Polling
open Telegram.Bot.Types
open Telegram.Bot.Types.Enums
let createBot (config: BotConfig, http: HttpClient) = TelegramBotClient(config.token, http)
let config = createConfig "SBPB_CONFIG_PATH"
let botClient = createBot (config, new HttpClient())
let youtubeDlService =
let youtubeDlClient =
YoutubeDlClient.createClient {
Client = new HttpClient()
BaseUrl = config.YoutubeDlUrl
let tgService =
TgService.createService {
Client = botClient
ChannelId = config.chanelId
YoutubeDlClient = youtubeDlClient
AdminChatId = config.adminChatId
YoutubeDlService.createService youtubeDlClient tgService
let startDate = DateTime.UtcNow
let (|ObsoleteUpdate|RelayMatchUpdate|YoutubeRepostMatchUpdate|SkipUpdate|) (update: Update) =
let isObsoleteUpdate (update: Update) =
update.Type = UpdateType.Message && update.Message.Date < startDate
match update with
| _ when isObsoleteUpdate update -> ObsoleteUpdate
| _ when RelayMatch (update, config) -> RelayMatchUpdate
| _ when YoutubeRepostMatch (update, config) -> YoutubeRepostMatchUpdate
| _ -> SkipUpdate
let updateHandle (bc: ITelegramBotClient) (update: Update) (ct: CancellationToken): Task =
let tgCtx = (update, config, bc)
match update with
| RelayMatchUpdate() ->
RelayHandler tgCtx
| YoutubeRepostMatchUpdate() ->
YoutubeRepostHandler <| (youtubeDlService, tgCtx)
| ObsoleteUpdate() ->
Logging.logger.Information("Skipping obsolete update")
| SkipUpdate() ->
Logging.logger.Information("Skipping update")
let handlePollingError (_: ITelegramBotClient) (e: Exception) (_: CancellationToken) =
Logging.logger.Error(e, "Polling error")
let receiverOptions = ReceiverOptions(AllowedUpdates = Array.zeroCreate<UpdateType> 0)
Logging.logger.Information("Starting bot")
botClient.StartReceiving(updateHandle, handlePollingError, receiverOptions)
Logging.logger.Information("Я родился")
Console.ReadKey() |> ignore