[Unit] # A short human readable title of the unit Description= Keroosha.SilencerBot Prod # A list of units whose activations will occur before this unit starts. After=network.target [Service] # Configures the process start-up type for this service unit, one of: # simple - The process defined in ExecStart= will stay in the foreground while the unit is activated. # forking - The process defined in ExecStart= will fork a background process and exit right away. # oneshot - The process will exit right away, use with RemainAfterExit= to ensure the serice is marked as active. # Consult the documentantion for types (https://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.service.html#Type=) other options. Type=simple # Command with arguments to invoke when the unit is activated. ExecStart=/opt/apps/Keroosha.SilncerBot/app/Keroosha.SilencerBot # Configures under what conditions the unit will be restarted. Restart=on-failure CPUQuota=15% [Install] # A list of units who when activated will try and activate this unit WantedBy=multi-user.target