> The explorer uses local storage by default to save the state of your explorer. This is done to ensure a smooth experience when navigating to different pages.
> To clear/delete the explorer state from local storage, delete the `fileTree` entry (guide on how to delete a key from local storage in chromium based browsers can be found [here](https://docs.devolutions.net/kb/general-knowledge-base/clear-browser-local-storage/clear-chrome-local-storage/)). You can disable this by passing `useSavedState: false` as an argument.
## Customization
Most configuration can be done by passing in options to `Component.Explorer()`.
For example, here's what the default configuration looks like:
```typescript title="quartz.layout.ts"
title: "Explorer", // title of the explorer component
folderClickBehavior: "collapse", // what happens when you click a folder ("link" to navigate to folder page on click or "collapse" to collapse folder on click)
folderDefaultState: "collapsed", // default state of folders ("collapsed" or "open")
useSavedState: true, // wether to use local storage to save "state" (which folders are opened) of explorer
- (optional): After removing the explorer component, you can move the [[table of contents | Table of Contents]] component back to the `left` part of the layout
- Changing `sort`, `filter` and `map` behavior: explained in [[explorer#Advanced customization]]
name: string // name of node (only useful for folders)
file: QuartzPluginData | null // set if node is a file, see `QuartzPluginData` for more detail
depth: number // depth of current node
... // rest of implementation
Every function you can pass is optional. By default, only a `sort` function will be used:
```ts title="Default sort function"
// Sort order: folders first, then files. Sort folders and files alphabetically
sortFn: (a, b) => {
if ((!a.file && !b.file) || (a.file && b.file)) {
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name)
if (a.file && !b.file) {
return 1
} else {
return -1
You can pass your own functions for `sortFn`, `filterFn` and `mapFn`. All functions will be executed in the order provided by the `order` option (see [[explorer#Customization]]). These functions behave similarly to their `Array.prototype` counterpart, except they modify the entire `FileNode` tree in place instead of returning a new one.
For more information on how to use `sort`, `filter` and `map`, you can check [Array.prototype.sort()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/sort), [Array.prototype.filter()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/filter) and [Array.prototype.map()](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Array/map).
Type definitions look like this:
sortFn: (a: FileNode, b: FileNode) => number
filterFn: (node: FileNode) => boolean
mapFn: (node: FileNode) => void
> [!tip]
> You can check if a `FileNode` is a folder or a file like this:
> ```ts
> if (node.file) {
> // node is a file
> } else {
> // node is a folder
> }
> ```
## Basic examples
These examples show the basic usage of `sort`, `map` and `filter`.
### Use `sort` to put files first
Using this example, the explorer will alphabetically sort everything, but put all **files** above all **folders**.
```ts title="quartz.layout.ts"
sortFn: (a, b) => {
if ((!a.file && !b.file) || (a.file && b.file)) {
return a.name.localeCompare(b.name)
if (a.file && !b.file) {
return -1
} else {
return 1
### Change display names (`map`)
Using this example, the display names of all `FileNodes` (folders + files) will be converted to full upper case.
```ts title="quartz.layout.ts"
mapFn: (node) => {
node.name = node.name.toUpperCase()
### Remove list of elements (`filter`)
Using this example, you can remove elements from your explorer by providing a list of folders/files using the `list` array.
```ts title="quartz.layout.ts"
filterFn: (node) => {
// list containing names of everything you want to filter out
const list = ["authoring content", "building your", "tags", "hosting"]
for (let listNodeName of list) {
if (listNodeName.toLowerCase() === node.name.toLowerCase()) {
return false // Found a match, so return false to filter out the node
return true // No match found, so return true to keep the node
You can customize this by changing the entries of the `list` array. Simply add all folder or file names you want to remove to the array (case insensitive).
## Advanced examples
### Add emoji prefix
To add emoji prefixes (📁 for folders, 📄 for files), you could use a map function like this:
```ts title="quartz.layout.ts"
mapFn: (node) => {
// dont change name of root node
if (node.depth > 0) {
// set emoji for file/folder
if (node.file) {
node.name = "📄 " + node.name
} else {
node.name = "📁 " + node.name
### Putting it all together
In this example, we're going to customize the explorer by using functions from examples above to [[explorer#Add emoji prefix | add emoji prefixes]], [[explorer#remove-list-of-elements-filter| filter out some folders]] and [[explorer#use-sort-to-put-files-first | sort with files above folders]].
```ts title="quartz.layout.ts"
filterFn: sampleFilterFn,
mapFn: sampleMapFn,
sortFn: sampleSortFn,
order: ["filter", "sort", "map"],
Notice how we customized the `order` array here. This is done because the default order applies the `sort` function last. While this normally works well, it would cause unintended behavior here, since we changed the first characters of all display names. In our example, `sort` would be applied based off the emoji prefix instead of the first _real_ character.
To fix this, we just changed around the order and apply the `sort` function before changing the display names in the `map` function.
> [!tip]
> When writing more complicated functions, the `layout` file can start to look very cramped.
> You can fix this by defining your functions in another file.
> ```ts title="functions.ts"
> import { Options } from "./quartz/components/ExplorerNode"